News & Updates  ·  February 20, 2024

New Ad Campaign Urges House Republicans to Support Ukraine Aid

Six-figure campaign will run digitally across the districts of ten Republican Congressmen and features real Republican voters calling on members to support Ukraine

WASHINGTONFebruary 20, 2024 – Today Republicans for Ukraine launched a new, six-figure ad campaign aimed at persuading House Republicans to support a discharge petition and pass the Senate’s Ukraine bill. The ad highlights the threat America’s enemies pose to our national security if we don’t support our allies.

The 60-second ad, which you can watch here, features lifelong Republican voters describing the threats to America if we don’t support Ukraine. One Ohio Republican says, “If we deal in weakness in the face of aggression, it’s a clear signal to countries like China to invade Taiwan.”

The ad will run digitally in the districts of Republicans likely to sign a discharge petition: Mike Gallagher (WI), Ken Buck (CO), Mike McCaul (TX), Mike Rogers (AL), Mike Turner (OH), Don Bacon (NE), Steve Womack (AR), Jake Ellzey (TX), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), Dan Crenshaw (TX).

The campaign seeks to reinforce support for Ukraine among House Republicans. Speaker Mike Johnson has refused to bring a bill to the floor that would provide foreign aid—but pro-Ukraine Republicans can sign a discharge petition to force a vote on the bill, as the ad urges. 

“It only takes four Republicans signing a discharge petition to help our allies and protect our national security. There’s safety in numbers, and the more Republicans who sign, the safer they will be,” said Gunner Ramer, national spokesman for Republicans for Ukraine. “If the Senate bill gets a vote in the House, it would pass overwhelmingly with strong Republican support.”

For more information, to speak with the Republican voters from this campaign, or to talk to Republicans for Ukraine spokespeople, please contact Kase Cronin at 781-999-3155 or [email protected].

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